
Time does indeed fly with a newborn. It seems like both yesterday, and a month ago, that I posted.  In those not one, not thirty, but only eight days since I last posted, she’s accomplished a lot and I’ve started making some distinct changes.

I forgot to put it in the blog, but she learned to roll over on her own. She’s only done it a handful of times, and doesn’t have a preference for which way, but seems to be a little surprised when it happens. We’re on our way to mobile!

Last Sunday, she learned to laugh out loud. It was really quite hilarious, and sounds the most amusing sort of odd. So far, she only does it in the Bjorn, bouncing on the ball, while we’re playing Dominion, but she thought about doing it on the changing table this morning. We’re on our way to communicating!

And the fourth time is a charm when it comes to introducing Daphne to hiking. I tried the slough – totally forgetting it’s mosquito season. She didn’t get a bite on her, but missed two naps due to bumpy paths and interesting sights, and I got eight bites and a not-well-behaving dog. I tried the arboretum, knowing that there wouldn’t be the mosquito problem, and the paths were smooth (one even paves), but again, she wouldn’t nap with all the interesting sights. I tried the carrier on a local trail off a main road, and was too annoyed by the over-excited puppy and the bugs to get anywhere. But today is the first day of Hike-a-thon (you know you want to sponsor us), and we went out with some friends for her first real hike. She enjoyed it, and despite missing a nap, was quite happy (even when woken up from falling asleep at the very end to be put in the car).

I continue to hope that she will learn to sleep in a stroller, as that will make the long walks on the regional trail system that I want to take much more enjoyable. But, for now, at least she’s just enjoying the view.

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