So I’m 20 weeks. (Or 19W2D, depending on how you measure things. Sigh.) Half way. Yeah, my mind cannot comprehend what “half way to parenthood” means. Unfathomable.
I’ve been feeling the baby more for a few weeks – poke, poke, jab, roll. Jason isn’t sure he’s felt it yet, but I’m pretty sure what he described was not my heartbeat (which you can feel in my abdomen) but was an actual kick. There’s more activity every time I try to lay down, and the little nubbin in there is quite active.
I’m mostly feeling fine, but starting to feel physical limitations. Can’t use my core the way I like, can’t stretch my belly, and have to be careful about moving my hips and not sagging in my low back. But I got my Y membership set up, so hopefully, I can get in there and swim and feel better that way. (Not to mention it’s been far too cold to go walking outside.)
We’re slowly getting stuff moved around in the house to make room for the baby – but I expect it’ll take the rest of the (hopefully) 20 weeks we have left to go.