
We had our first “interview” with a prospective provider. It was at a birth center nearby. We came in with a list of 39 questions, spent an hour there, and came out with a DVD of births they’ve done. One of the two midwives in the practice was our contact for the day, and she showed up around the birth suite, which is attached to her husband’s chiropractic clinic. It was nice, if a bit hotel-y. (Definitely not hospital-y, however, and had lots of room for moving around. It also answered one question I had always had about tub births – there was a shower immediately on the other side of the shower for cleaning up.)

We chatted for a while, asked about what they tend to do for coping mechanisms (movement, tub, herbs, willing to use TENS), if the same person would be with me the whole time (yes), what the do for transfers (non-emergency to one hospital, emergency to the other), got a feel for what those transfers tend to be like, how they avoid conflicts (careful planning and a bit of luck), and got an idea of how they do prenatal care and postnatal care (all regular tests offered, but not required). And how much it tends to cost (not cheap at nearly $5k, but cheaper than hospital, and totally covered by insurance).

The woman we talked to was nice, but I haven’t figured out if it’s a good personality fit. The only thing that I really noticed is that she talked a lot, rapidly. Heavens knows I do that too, and more so when I’m nervous, so I’m not saying it was all bad, but I think that’s the only reason it wasn’t a quick “meeting of the minds”.

We stopped by Whole Foods afterwards, and picked up some food so that I could have the oddity I decided would be tolerated well by my stomach – a BLT. It was gluten-free bread, nitrate/nitrite-free bacon, and organic tomatoes and lettuce, even healthy mayo. And it was good. 🙂 I might make another one tomorrow.

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