This time, we made it to the top. It was a pretty warm day, and we ran into a lot of people in both directions, but slow and steady got us there! Not really anything particularly fascinating to report other than a summit register at the top. Really? A summit register at the top of West Tiger 3?? Oookaaaayyy…
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Thursday, Neo and I hit West Tiger Mountain 3. Hoping to avoid reroute induced missteps like last time, we headed straight up West Tiger 3 trail. And up it felt. I was lagging, Neo was ok but not springy, and I turned around a little over a mile in. It got us out, which was good. And I had a very good nap that afternoon.
Sometimes, the hiking doesn’t work. That’s ok.
I had planned to take Neo up to West Tiger 3 today, via the shorter route. But the intersection of Nook and Section Line appears to have changed, and the summit went unvisited by the two of us. Instead, we got a little bit of elevation climb on both directions, and Neo got a lot of time off leash, pressed in by the brush on either side of us, and doing his job of scouting. The cool, damp weather kept us both happy as well.
Trails like this are nice, because we had the space to ourselves and the room to practice some training (‘drops’, a recall or two, and going in and out of a controlled walk). He did great. He even pulled over and let me hook him up again when an unleashed dog came past.
And the tired, one day from one year old, puppy slept most of the rest of the day.
Unfortunately, this was my only mid-week hike, as there’s a backpacking trip over the weekend to prepare for!