Tag-Archive for » symptoms «


I know I haven’t written in a while, but there hasn’t been much to write. I’ve continued to feel nauseated, headachy, and sleepy, albeit in lesser amounts, as always. It’s getting a little bit better, but that means that I finally was able to get to some laundry today, though not kitchen cleaning.

We had our first appointment at the birth center today. We went over medical history, opted for combined test for a couple of genetic things, and had a lot of trying to figure out “due dates” and “how far along I am”. (Apparently, they could backwards from the due date, and things get kinda screwy. We’ll manage it.)

And despite the fact that I’m only 10 weeks (9.5, by their measure), they gave the doppler a try. At first, we didn’t get anything, but within about 10 seconds, there was a very clear “whoosh, whoosh, whoosh” over the speaker. No picture, of course, since it was not a regular ultrasound, but still rather amazing. Freaking weird giggly amazing, at this point still.

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Eight weeks (gestation) today, five and a half weeks fetal age. And half of that (gestational age, anyway) has been spent feeling nauseated, tired, and unwell. I hope that it’s only another four weeks of this, ’cause I’d like it to be over.


We had our first “interview” with a prospective provider. It was at a birth center nearby. We came in with a list of 39 questions, spent an hour there, and came out with a DVD of births they’ve done. One of the two midwives in the practice was our contact for the day, and she showed up around the birth suite, which is attached to her husband’s chiropractic clinic. It was nice, if a bit hotel-y. (Definitely not hospital-y, however, and had lots of room for moving around. It also answered one question I had always had about tub births – there was a shower immediately on the other side of the shower for cleaning up.)

We chatted for a while, asked about what they tend to do for coping mechanisms (movement, tub, herbs, willing to use TENS), if the same person would be with me the whole time (yes), what the do for transfers (non-emergency to one hospital, emergency to the other), got a feel for what those transfers tend to be like, how they avoid conflicts (careful planning and a bit of luck), and got an idea of how they do prenatal care and postnatal care (all regular tests offered, but not required). And how much it tends to cost (not cheap at nearly $5k, but cheaper than hospital, and totally covered by insurance).

The woman we talked to was nice, but I haven’t figured out if it’s a good personality fit. The only thing that I really noticed is that she talked a lot, rapidly. Heavens knows I do that too, and more so when I’m nervous, so I’m not saying it was all bad, but I think that’s the only reason it wasn’t a quick “meeting of the minds”.

We stopped by Whole Foods afterwards, and picked up some food so that I could have the oddity I decided would be tolerated well by my stomach – a BLT. It was gluten-free bread, nitrate/nitrite-free bacon, and organic tomatoes and lettuce, even healthy mayo. And it was good. 🙂 I might make another one tomorrow.


I’m still not particularly nauseated, but I still have pretty much zero interest in food. I haven’t felt this not-hungry since the last time I had the flu. Of course, I have to eat, or I feel shitty… GAH! At the moment, the only things I can count on are guava or mango juice, and avocados. I’m eating at least one avocado a day. ‘Cause I know that’ll not play funny with my stomach.

In other news, Jason’s finished reading the Ina May Gaskin book I asked him to read, and I’m really glad he took the time to read it and think about why he initially preferred a hospital setting, as he is saying now that he’s just fine with a birth center. Not only was there the “why do I have faith in them doing a good job with labor when I don’t trust them to be intelligent for simpler things?” but he realized that all of the conditions I’m dealing with going into this (fibromyalgia, depression, restless leg, vulvar vestibultis, chronic migraines) – while everyone agrees do not put me at greater risk during the pregnancy or birth – are themselves best dealt with by relaxation, calm, warmth, and patience. And I’m not likely to find a great mix of all that in a hospital with different nurses and doctors coming and going, and bright lights and lots of directions.

Don’t get me wrong – we are going to be touring hospitals! All three in the area. If complications arise during the pregnancy, I want to not have to start over from scratch when evaluating places to go. There’s a small, but by no means close to zero, chance that even if we want to go for a birth center, I’ll end up in a hospital instead. If we get to make that decision before the birth, I want to go to a hospital I’m most comfortable with. (And if there’s an emergency transfer, just get me to the closest one!)

But I feel better about us at least being on the same page with what we’d like to work towards.


Seriously… 10 hours of sleep, and I only get up because my body can’t sleep any more, despite it’s desires to do so. I’m ok with being mostly unproductive during these weeks, but the wanting to sleep and not being able to is annoying. Of course, so is the complete and total lack of appetite, despite the distinct need (via nausea and fatigue) to do exactly that. So… Summary of the first trimester so far? Distinct internal conflict.

I’ve always been sensitive to smell, and this has just increased that – as expected. Jason finished the steps for the car yesterday (as in finish/waterproof), and the garage REEKS of finish. Like, I can get so far as opening the door before pulling it shut. VILE! I’m happy food hasn’t smelled that bad, but the thought of some textures (mayonnaise, for instance) – BLECH!

And, today I started the search for a provider. Make that, “today I started banging my head against a dumber-than-usual brick wall”. Ok, ok – I’ll grant you that I have high expectations, and I’ll grant you that they may not be reasonable. But it doesn’t seem to me too hard to fathom that I might want to meet a potential provider and determine whether or not I feel comfortable with their philosophic approach to pregnancy and birth – BEFORE becoming their patient.

In a normal world, you want a new doctor, and you don’t generally interview. References from friends and family (maybe the internet) is standard, but you generally do a trial-by-fire type of evaluation, and dump them in favor of a new doctor if you don’t like their service. Well… It’s a little harder when you have about seven months to evaluate them, and less and less chance of being *able* to safely switch providers the longer you evaluate them. Not to mention that this person may (or may not!) play a vital role in one of the most important moments of your life. I want to know the person before I agree to a service agreement (essentially).

But NONE of the OB’s I tried calling, and only some of the CNM’s (certified nurse midwives) attached to hospitals do meet & greets. Both birthing centers threw an hour long (free) appointment at me, encouraging me to get a feel for the place first, and even suggesting a couple of hospital-attending CNM’s if their facilities end up not being a good fit for Jason and I. I REALLY want to try to be impartial, particularly as I know Jason has a preference for a hospital (and we have a tour set up for the first of three hospitals we’re going to check out), but the service levels and approaches are making it hard to remain free of too much bias.

The thing is – I’m a female. No matter what else I’ve done in my life, my body was bred for this purpose – to grow and birth another person. It’s what the human race does; we fuck, we birth. I am not in some sort of precarious medical condition that needs to be mitigated every step of the way. This is the job my body was supposed to do, and while I may need support and observation going through the process, I do not need to be managed. I’m not sick – I’m just pregnant.


I have almost entirely lost track of holidays, now that I’m not working a 9-5 M-F job. I’d lose track of weekends, but those are the days that I don’t have to try to get Jason up and out of bed. But it is indeed a holiday. My first class of the day was canceled, but that’s ok – I’m quite tired.

We told everyone about the pregnancy yesterday. Jason’s parents were very happy – somewhere between excited and speechless, but we did take them by surprise while they were at a dance convention, and had never mentioned that we were trying. Our friends were all very happy as well, though I think a little surprised that we didn’t wait longer. I gotta say, teaching yoga is easier now that I don’t have to pretend I’m doing modifications for no good reason.

We headed to Jen & Chris’ Labor Day party, and I was very appreciative to get to use the guest room and take a nap (after taking a nap on the couch). It will be nice when I can go more than eight hours without needing serious sleep. 🙂 Or trying to figure out what to eat despite not being hungry.