Tag-Archive for » ambitious «


I’ve got my backpacking trips all planned out. Every single weekend, I’ll be sleeping under the stars. (Ok, ok. Under a tent. I do really hate mosquitoes.) I’ve yet to plan the day trips, and it’s made worse by seeing the special achievement awards – ‘most state parks visited’? ‘most miles in a day’? ‘most trails hiked’? ‘best hike-a-thon blog’? They all speak a little competitive voice in my head.

Only I still feel undertrained. And I have… an insane amount of ambition about this thing. When I look at the mileage on a map… it just doesn’t seem all that bad. Eh, what’s a couple of 9 mile days in a row? Eh, what’s a 24 mile day trip?

I think I may be in trouble. 😛