Archive for » June 10th, 2010«


We had our 5.5 week appointment yesterday, and the midwife who delivered her was very pleased with how she was doing. Jason had to remind me to tell her I was still bleeding, which left her a bit concerned. She’s sending me to get an ultrasound to look for retained placental fragments, though nothing looked like that would be the case during the birth. If there is, I have to have a D&C, which honestly sounds horrid and awful. They may also put me on antibiotics, which would suck because I think that’s what set off Daphne’s digestive issues. Fortunately, I don’t have to wait longer than Saturday to find out. Unfortunately, I have to try to pump enough for a feeding or two since I have to dump my first breasts-full after a procedure, should it happen.

She’s been having good days, and I took my chances and finally made it to my first yoga class since the day I went into labor. She wasn’t the most cooperative, and wanted to feed (but badly) when we got there, and again an hour later. She also had to be held for a while (which the teacher did, but not quite the way I suggested since she had just eaten and spit up twice). But it was great to get out and move, even if just a bit.