Archive for » September 7th, 2009«


Zomg, it’s a “husband post”!

So, thus far- Tiffany is sleeping a lot.  We’re trying to get some cleaning and purging done to get prepared for the push to baby-safe the house and make a nursery materialize in here somewhere.  And we should set up the tripod somewhere so that we can start constructing the time-lapse photography!

I’ve found that, not surprisingly, I’ve fallen into the typical male pattern of prenatal care opinion, and the assumption that we should have an OB and give birth in a proper hospital, etc. – even though I’m totally open to the general concept of a midwife and the notion that a comforting and relaxing environment for the mother is really important.  What is surprising to me is that I’ve managed to cling to this faith in western medicine when it comes to obstetrics when I don’t have faith in them to manage most general health issues.  Don’t get me wrong, doctors have a good deal of value, but most of what I’ve encountered in the medical profession is diagnosis by flowchart and treatment by pharmaceuticals with annoying side-effects.  Still, the what-if’s of the whole process make me want to mitigate any potential problems.  It will be interesting to see how our hospital tours and midwife interviews and all of that go.

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I have almost entirely lost track of holidays, now that I’m not working a 9-5 M-F job. I’d lose track of weekends, but those are the days that I don’t have to try to get Jason up and out of bed. But it is indeed a holiday. My first class of the day was canceled, but that’s ok – I’m quite tired.

We told everyone about the pregnancy yesterday. Jason’s parents were very happy – somewhere between excited and speechless, but we did take them by surprise while they were at a dance convention, and had never mentioned that we were trying. Our friends were all very happy as well, though I think a little surprised that we didn’t wait longer. I gotta say, teaching yoga is easier now that I don’t have to pretend I’m doing modifications for no good reason.

We headed to Jen & Chris’ Labor Day party, and I was very appreciative to get to use the guest room and take a nap (after taking a nap on the couch). It will be nice when I can go more than eight hours without needing serious sleep. 🙂 Or trying to figure out what to eat despite not being hungry.