Archive for » August 30th, 2009«


Got a positive pregnancy test two days ago – Friday evening.
By my calculations, I’m 18 days pregnant (18 days fetal life, 5 weeks gestation*).

That’s pretty much it.

Just weird.

Certainly planned, but let’s just say that we are quite the efficient pair, when it comes to timing.

I haven’t been having a whole lot of symptoms – a little bit of ‘constipation/bloating’ and tender nipples. That’s about it. Well, aside from being more tired, but I’m already tired a lot of the time, so it doesn’t seem like a qualitative change. And I’m certainly getting tired from exercise a bit more easily. But nothing that screams “YOU’RE GROWING A TINY HUMAN!”.

I’m still a little detached about the whole thing. But it mostly seems a bit overwhelming and huge, and I’m sure I’ll find the excited stage soon enough. Jason, however, is definitely getting towards the excited stage, and built a set of steps so I no longer have to lift Neo out of the car (he’s over 25 pounds, after all). So we’ve both started reading the books that I already have on hand, thanks to my prenatal yoga teacher training.

The last really weird bit at this point is not being able to tell anyone. Oh, we could, but all we have is an over-the-counter pee-on-a-stick test (which, granted, was pretty clear) – no blood tests. And I’m pretty NOT far along. My doctor’s appointment for the blood work to confirm is on Thursday morning, and assuming I get the results the next Monday, I’ll be six weeks (gestational). Not really sure when I want to tell. Waiting three months seems like an awfully long time, but at six weeks… The nubbin’s got a heart beat and limb buds are only starting.

(So, this all means that you aren’t reading this anywhere near the time I’m writing it. Enjoy! 🙂 )


I’ve been pretty exhausted, and my backpacking trip plans have been withering and dying as I don’t want to do a solo trip, so for today’s last hike of the -a-thon, I convinced Jason to come with me to Cougar Mountain. Again. 🙂

We did our standard four mile loop, getting Neo some exercise so he can be “a good dog is a tired dog”.

It was also fairly uneventful, aside from the way down.

We ran into two balloons, tied to a box, underneath a tree. They were pirate balloons! (Oh no! Forest pirates. Argh matey, walk the limb!) A little sign noted it was for someone’s birthday, and sure enough, it wasn’t long until we started seeing little kids (oh, five or six? I’m bad at estimating kids’ ages) running up the trail, adorned with plastic pirate swords and belts. Occasionally we’d see an eye patch or vest, too. And lots of parents walking along side them. Now that’s how to have a fun birthday treasure hunt, argh!