It sometimes surprises me just how much Daphne is starting to understand and learn.
For instance, she’s not required to be sitting in her high chair to eat; sometimes we eat sitting on the floor. But she’s required to be sitting with her butt on the floor. In the best behavior modification style, she doesn’t get her food until her butt is on the floor, and I just ask her once (or as best I can, just once) without nagging. And she now knows it. I don’t know how long it took her to learn it, but it was one or two meals. She tests it sometimes, but for the most part, she’ll sit and take a bite, play a bit, then sit back down and open her mouth for the next spoonful.
She knows what “let go” and “other side” means with respect to nursing. She is starting to sign for milk and potty. Well, rather, we suspect she is starting to try to do so, and isn’t really quite competent at it yet, despite her desire.
And in the past three days, she has made distinctive strides in sleeping, specifically learning to go to sleep. It seems that she needed to feel confident in being able to get onto her stomach to sleep and still be able to move around. She still isn’t quite there, and there is a fair amount of flailing and trying to get comfortable in the middle of the night. But last night, she tried to sleep two long stretches, and only had a little trouble doing it.
That little head has an amazing capacity to learn things even when she can’t tell you she’s learning. It’s like super behavior modification training. 🙂